Thursday, February 26, 2009

Twins 1st Birthday - Atlanta

We traveled to Atlanta to celebate the first birthday of Estee and Coppelia. We arrived on Thursday evening to join Andrea, Shane, sleeping Gabe & Chase, sleeping Mike and Katrina Miller (Hannah's parents) to get ready to celebrate the first annual birthday of the twins. Friday we took the boys to the Aquarium in downtown Atlanta....what a neat place. Saturday everyone was looking forward to the party. Hannah had decorated the living room and table early and put the girls into thier party garb....we opened presents....then attacked the CupCake Cakes placed in front of the that time they had partied enough and were ready for naps. The bigger people continued the celebration with a brisket that PeaPa cooked in Houston, froze, packed, shipped via Air Tran ($15 for checked bag), reheated and absorbed the praise.

The GuidryPeas are truly blessed to have spent a weekend with their children, their children's children, and extended family and friends.


Unknown said...

What a wonderful blog you have! I thoroughly enjoyed reliving our time together in Atlanta. Thanks for sharing. Katrina

The Elephant's Trunk said...

Peapa, thanks for getting some photos up so that I can see, they were great! Just wish I could have tasted some of that brisket!

Heidi (Hannah's big sister)