Thursday, December 11, 2008

Snow At 1718 Gardenia

Ok...I don't take much snow to get Houstonians all worked up.

We came back from a great pizza at Doyle's with having had light flurries from about 5 pm on.

Then around seven it picked up and the whole neighborhood was out taking pictures (including me as you can see) and kids were laughing and screaming. It lasted about an hour.

A little snow in Houston goes a long way.


Andrea said...

Seriously, has it EVER done this before? I remember one year it icing and we missed school, but I dont think I EVER remember snow actually sticking!!!! Must be global cooling! ;)

Hannah said...

It doesn't matter how much snow... I still get excited when I see it. Where these taken on the new camera? I love that you can see all the flakes falling...beautiful!